Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Cucumber Selenium test automation framework using C# - Part 1 - Setting up Project

If you are testing a web-based application, test automation helps you build up a comprehensive automation test suite that can be used as a regression suite.

The following tutorial is about setting up ground work for developing an automation framework on testing web applications which later you can integrate to CI/CD pipeline.

Getting Started

1) Before start developing the test framework, you need to have Visual Studio installed on your computer. You can follow my Installing Visual Studio Community Edition on Windows 10 guide to install Visual Studio Community Edition.

2) Once you have successfully installed Visual Studio Community Edition, launch the application.

Creating a project

1) Once you have launched Visual Studio Community Edition, select Create a new project to start creating your test automation framework project.

2) In the next screen, select C# Unit Test Project.

3) In the next screen, give an appropriate name to your project, select the location you want to save the project. Then click on Create.

4) Then you will be directed to the following screen.

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