Sunday, June 28, 2020

Committing Test Suite to Remote Git Repository

Once GIT and GITHUB installed in your machine, follow the given steps to commit your test suite to GITHUB.

1) Navigate to test suite folder location via Command Prompt and enter command git init.

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2) Then type git status  to see the current status of files of your test suite.

3) Add all files in your test suite to be committed to git repository using git add . command.

4) If you type git status again you would see all files are now in staging state highlighted in green.

5) Now commit all files to local git repository using git commit -m "<message>".

6) Once local repository commit is successful, create a repository in github to commit your local repository to remote repository.

Then use command git remote add origin <remote repo url>
Then use git remote -v

7) Finally commit local repository to remote repository using the command git push -f origin master.

8) If commit is successful, navigate to remote repository and check if all files are available.

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